Thursday, July 07, 2005

sent shirley off yest.. kinda missed her oredi.

it was kinda sad esp when u c her hug n kissed her john.. in front of the whole grp of frenzz plus her family. heehee. i told my jx i die die oso wun kiss him in front of my fam... which i tink i might have to take back my words if tt ever happen. (he's disturbing mi now)... whahahha...

dun u just hate having frenz leaving u. haiz~ but i'm glad she's pursuing what she'd planned for a long time.

unlike arvin.

i thinked i've nv stop crying the day i knew he died... i wished i cld flyoff to another world where i've nt senses or watsoeva... no emotions so i wun feel the pain my fren left for us..

it's really hard to move on sometimes.. just can't imagine aunty's life w/o her son, her most prized possession.

finally updated my links... have been v lazy to update... sry sry!


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