Sunday, July 10, 2005

argh~ headache.. n i mean a massive excruciating pain in the head. all bows n thnx to the v handsome n LONG jx.

despite the earplug being inserted in my ears.. i'm still able to hear 90% of the 120 dcb his guitar n out-of-tune voice produced. how???? i guess i'll just have to live with it manzzzz... gawd...

woke up really early this morning w baby n we headed down to mac to join the rest of my family for breakfast.. whahahahahaha.. it was a pre-celebration for ah poh's bday which falls on this coming thursday. notti jx made my grandma so happy by saying she's pretty.. wahahahahaha.... anyway.. mom called really early to scold me cos she tot i just woke up n forgotten everything about the gathering... which i din... mi n jx reached b4 them ok... whahahahaha.. we won!!!

supposed to go back n finish my project. but the damn rain's still pouring... manzzz.. ta ma de~ bwhahahahaahhahahaahhahaahhahha....


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