Friday, July 29, 2005

i'm gonna start ranting again. my darn riah's growing at Rapunzel's speed. well.. i'm toking bot the whole hair except my fringe. soooooooo short whahalamakabalalah~ damn~

b4 long, jx's soon-2-b-catchphrase wld be,"complaining again!!!????" hee... i'm guilty of tt alrightz. i'm a self-proclaimed complain queen.

woke up this morning with inspirations to paint... on wall. whahaha... haven done tt for quite awhile cos it's a hassle cleaning the mess...

when i was younger, i got canning almost everyday.. capisci??? everyday.. mind u. a hellavu whacking from doodling on my wall. i vandalized every piece i reckoned. my room, my parents' room, the living room, kitchen, my toilet, n even my corridor... argh~ nt forgetting my void deck. whahahahahaha.... until my 6th grand aunt came up w a good idea. put mahjong paper lah!!!

anyway.. i gotta forsake my plan n start cleaning my hse. v v v v v messy ar~ in my extremist mode today.

a note to a pig:
i hope u realy slim down soon u hideous pig! *evil giggles*


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