Friday, August 05, 2005

(becos i posted a collage of my hope days. hahaha.)

A lil' education session w me. hehehe... my long time overdued findings. suddenly tot of it, n i went thru quite abit of trouble digging this out to share. whahahaha...

jia-pu-nis muji's concept= simple+practical


oh mine.. can u believe this is actually the same space as the 1st pic? oh believe me. it's a normal space tt hse a bathroom, a study, a kitchen and even a laundry area... aiyohz~

*WAVES HOPE PEOPLE!!!!!!* hey... isn't it a great place to hold a cg???

charlie n the chocolate factory wasn't as good as i'd expected it to b, but nevertheless, i did enjoy it. since it's supposed to b my all time favourite story considering reading it umpteen times since i first got it in pri 3. haha.. even managed to finish it within an hr or less b4 gg for the movie. smart me.. for leaving out the oompas-loompas stupid songs.. whahahaha...

but don u agree the oompas-loompas part is extremely boring??

hee... anyway.. WHEEEEEEEEEE~ a pat on the shoulders (mi, mich, huishan n suhui). managed to finalize the namecard n we had it printed. only left with the big signboard n posters.... however, we've decided to delegate the posters to b done by the rest.



oh omy giddy aunt~ was surfing thru the net.. n found a long forsaken mypicgallery site tt contains pics of my hope days... share share share!!!!

top(l-r): me, winnie and jenny. mi n debbie(rem we went to watch passion of christ as a grp?). mi n deborah posing beside the "potty".. for wat sial?????

middle(l-r): me+ting. us acting crazy. me with my chocs again. whahahaha... totally nutz about chocs tt time... aiyoh~

bottom(l-r): mi, lyan n shiva. our first poly sevice u noe(history ar) whahaha.. me popping out og nowhere.

argh~ i was crazy!


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