Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i'm switching back to this blog for dear debbie's sake. haha~ the only 1 who's nt able to log in into the other wan. nvm. just make do w whatever i have. so bye bye ______ blog! i'll miss u!

oh.. this is the yummy red bean milk tea i told u guys about in my last last dono what entry. tasted like melted ice kachang, except better!

soooooory if the pic is too big for viewing. it's the best viewing resolution though, after collapsing them to make this collage. hee~ collage is a quicker way to upload tonnes of pics. i have more i swear.

oh.. i love this place n i swear by my new earrings i will go there 1 day!!!! they actually "kop" my design concept. exactly what i had in mind for the bar! no kidding!

c the balcony's swing pic?? that guy obviously had his eyes on these 2 beefy *ahem* hunks to give them this. trying to snatch my bf. wait long long ar u!

jx took these lovely shots b4 gg to work.

i'm so sry this pic look odd. i din get the resolution right. hee~

Top left: mi n regine(proud of her)we got 3rd.
bottom left: this guy is commercializing our chair together with our winner's! whee~

too many pics, so i'll just post a fraction...

the presentation n cocktail session

i look like a veteran rocker girl!

saw that!!!???? i hold the guitar the wrong way! hahahahahahaha~ din even realize tt.

the stool standing in our way~ sianzzzz~

some last entry from last blog


heehee.. notice the diff? i cut my fringe!!! again~

my mom says it's a Q-loc(dono how u spell).. think so... whahaha.. it's nt a dress.. it's like a berms.

my shoes.. v nice.. jx said it's cinderella shoes. haha..

my 5 pairs of earrings... nice...?? ex ok!

tt's it. off to do my work. meeting my client again tml.


i'm guilty of spending $ intended for my 'bible'. i hope my dad wun kill mi if i ask for more.

bought 5 earrings, a green ___(i dono what u call tt) and a pair of custom made flats.

den i wasted a trip to uob plaza to c dome's layout, only to find tt it was closed. so i cld only c from outside. argh~ den after which i went to esplanade while waiting for jx. watched prana's performance. damn good manzzzz... the indian zitherist was good. the musicians really enjoy themselves manzzzz.... argh~ remind mi of those good old days. anyway.. wanted to buy their album but cant cos i'm only left w $8.

sianzzzz... gotta tidy my room.
of all bad days, i have to choose a beautiful saturday to do my resesrch. heading down to sch to scan some stuffs b4 gg to the uob centre for site visit.

gg to get some custom0n-made pumps. dread gg to chinatown. it's just nt me to travel somewhere without much to c just to get something. ok... i admit i'm lazy.. i'm feeling lazy. haha... maybe i'll just grap a shoe from gripz. i love the shoes there. nice!!!

last nite.. jw(have to conceal to protect his identity, a juvenile still) told me bot him being a 'VEGETARIAN' for quite a while. instantly, i got his idea. haha... vegetarian means he hasn't been so beastly enuff to savour pretty girls. whahaha...

my room stinks.

the cutest thing every* haha~

i was really just trying to snap some pics of the kitchen while using this cute lil boy as a shield.



recent archaelogical evidence presents us with a shocking theory which left me.. erm... flabbergasted.

Jesus had a wife. n the most shocking of all, mary magdalene. yup.. the prostitute. (god.. shld i cont..) evidence based solely from paintings cannot be relied on i understand. but testiments which had been taken from the bible had been dug from the ground of egypt.

the evidence i shall nt blog. i'm abit skeptical but i wun rule out tt possibility. however, i'm curious. some of u wld say things about being blinded by the demons, or simply being wavered in faith. but i beg to differ. for the wise ones, faith shld be based on solid evidence.

ok.. shan't be a stumbling block to christians.


Really happy with my new blog~


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