Saturday, December 31, 2005

A long overdued pic.. Deborah's bday~ tt taller-n-prettier-den-me girl. hahahaha~but i love u all the same.

debbie, mi, debo, winnie, titus


haven been doing this kinda survey for a long long time. ripped off gracie's blog.. hmm.. think i did b4.. but nvm lah~

BASICS from a lame bean

001) Name: cherie chua qinshan(kunshan)

002) D.O.B.: 3rd Feb 87(haha~ 19 nia)

003) Location: my ah lao's place

004) Religion: -

005) Occupation: a very hardworking student

006) Contact:


001) Clothing: tee n jeans. i'm pretty lazy when it comes to dolling up.

002) Music: all kinds. except hardcores!

003) Make-up: nope. lazy to make up, lazy to remove. haha~ i'm not a girl.

004) Body art: moles considered right? i have alot ar~ for sale!!!


001) Wearing: red topshop tee+roxy pants.

002) Listening to: billy-james blunt

003) Thinking of: how to ans this question.


001) Bought: green tea+teh

002) Ate and drank: steamboat+red wine

003)Read: this survey.

004) Watched on TV: tvbs countdown 2006


001) Club or houseparty: both

002) Tea or coffee: teh~ milk tea

003) Achiever or slacker: Achiever.. becoming a slacker. havent done any of my work. deliberation in less den a month n i haven even completed my first floor.

004) Beer or cider: none.

005) Drinks or shots: drinks

006) Cats or dogs: dogs

007) Single or taken: taken

008) Pen or pencil: pen

009) Gloves or mittens: none

010) Food or candy: both

011) Cassette or CD: itune

012) Coke or Pepsi: coke

013) Hard or mild alcohol: both

014) Matches or a lighter: lighter. siao ar~ den y the invention of lighter.

015) Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: all(sian liao)


001) Touched: jx.. during dinner

002) Talked to: jx.. he's phone rang

003) Hugged: pillow

004) Instant messaged: nt signed in to msn

005) Kissed: baby bolster

006) Who broke your heart: nobody.. my heart is still pumping alright~

007) Had a crush on: jx


001) Eat: high class reatuarants can~

002) Dance: anywhere n everywhere.

003) Cry: ???

004) Wish you were: out having some 'batu' party? hahahahahahaha~


001) Dated one of your best friends?: for me to noe, for u to find out.

002) Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: Yes..

003) Drank alcohol?: yes.. everybody noes i get drunk more easily den anybody. in fact i just did. n after tt, i developed nasty hives.

004) Done drugs: yes.. lemofloxin? dono how to spell.

005) Broken the law: wah~ killing considered?? i just squashed an insect to death last night.

006) Ran away from home: yes. went bangkok for a week w/o my parents' knowledge.

008) Cheated on a test: nope! hard to believe right!!??? den dun believe lar~

009) Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up: ya.. last night, i became a superwoman.. den after tt i saw a bag of body.. suddenly this corny looking long hair guy appeared n wanted to kill me. no kiddibng. next pls~

010) Played truth or dare: yes.. who doesn't?

011) Flashed someone: my dolls?

012) Mooned someone: apa?

013) Kissed someone you didn't know: no

014) Been on a talk/game show: no

015) Been in a fight: yes.. video games can? i'm ah lian! hahahaha...

016) Ridden in a fire truck: yup.

017) Been on a plane: husband is a pilot *dreaming*

018) Come close to dying: yes..

019) Cheated on your boy/girlfriend: hee... nt really lah~

020) Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: yes

021) Eaten a worm/mud pie?: mud pie.

022) Swam in the ocean: wu kua chor boh? ocean?


001) The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: lemon tree. haha.. alot ar!!

002) Your bedroom like?: lak sey purple, built-in fixtures, childish paintings, neat, alot of ornaments, or biang flower blinds.

003) Your favorite thing for breakfast?: beancurd. yums~*flying*

004) Your favorite thing for lunch?: i dun really like to eat.

005) Your favorite thing for dinner?: mom's dishes

006) Your favorite Restaurant?: hello.. many many leh~


001) A Vegetarian?: sometimes.used to b, cos i dun dare to eat pork, beef,fish.. chicken is soon on the llist.

002) A Good Student?: fat hope.

003) Good At Sports?: wah~ of cos lah! cherie chua can~ hahahaha.. got more den 20 trophies for track n field at hme.. dun wan to hao lian only argh~ *haolian* hahaha~

004) Wakeboarding/snowboarding: wah~ both..

005) A Good Singer?: nt bad if u compare me to ernie. u noe?? tt ernie from sesame st?

006) A good Actor/Actress?: sry.. 1 of my trophies is a Best Actress Award. xie xie wo de papa, mama.. xie xie ni men.. wo hui yong yuan ai ni men de~

007) A deep sleeper?: nope. suffering from insomnia. slept at 7am this morn. getting worse ar my condition.

008) A Good Dancer?: n n jx always dance.. u say leh? hahaha~

009) Shy?: quite.

010) Outgoing?: think so.

011) A good storyteller?: no.. everybody will go like *huh? what is she toking about?* in the end.

012) Last words: *applause* to u who finished reading this damn survey.


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