Saturday, January 27, 2007

8am: today starts off with me waking up w a massive adominal cramp and turning grey.. n puking, n having the faintspells. so i decided tt i should rest at home just in case i faint on my way to school.

830am: dad dropped mi off the clinic b4 sending mom to her nutritionist n wheezing off to work.

i forgot to bring cash w mi, mom offered mi some, but i turned down cos i dun need it( i thought), but took just 90cents (for the busride hme) from my dad's coin compartment. afterwhich i was left to die on my own.

910am: when i reached hme, i realized i din just forget to bring cash n farecard, i din even bring my bloody keys out... panic.

thank god my grandma is still at hme n will only b leaving at 1030. heehee...

somehow i managed to dig another 80cents. 10cents short, so i digged somemore to find 2 5cent coins hidden within the tissue pack. haha... my bus ride to the interchage is thus taken cared of.

i oso managed to find a 2 dollar note inside an unwanted receipt. hahaha... couldn't take the train cos it'll cost me 30cents more... hahaha..

the bus ride only cost a dollar and ten. haha...

i'm sleepy.. my brain is nt functioning. i'm sleeping.


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