Thursday, May 22, 2008

pre-m u, this is a rather long post that consists of:
1: Mother's Day Celebration 2008
2: My Shanghai Trip
3: My Amsterdam Trip

note to take: lotsa of zi lian pics. whahahahaha... just make sure u havent got a heavy meal.

Mother's Day
Our super Big cake..

the family
the oily faced pple...
3 mothers.. 3 importan women.
mummy n auntie... w baby denise in the background. sooo cute la denise..

mahjong is oso v important esp when u have gathering like this. heehee... of cos i was the biggest winner~ whoohooo~

2. Shanghai
my bed

so totful of the hotel to place this yuan yang ducks at the bathtub.

shanghai street... just opp parkson...

papaya eggtart from KFC? damn interesting......

the indoor swimming pool... coool
they r really generous w their cheese... abit chilli to spice up the cheese... nice~
nice yoghurt concentrate
the whole time i was sleeping till noon... din sleep b4 the flight i guess plus it's a midnight flight... din jalan much except to head to parkson to gt some groceries.. n rushed back to the hotel to meet the rest of the crew for dinner...
n so u can tell i didn't waste much time. hahahahaha...
haha... even manage to pose n action pack can~ it's freezing by the night n i'm wearing like just a cardigan. wise choice cherie! wise choice~
my crew... the jap dinner was fantastic... the cpt n Fo joined us.. my crew celebrated my solo w losta cheers n 'tah'.. n so i 'tah' my choya n cold sake w them... n for the first time ever i puke 3 times becos of alcohol.

my crew is damn funny la... esp the cpt... Looks like Edwin~
thanks for the flight!

3: My Amsterdam Trip
actually by now... i'm oredi feeling sleepy. wahliew... but still have to blog right..... if nt waste my time sitting here uploading my pretty face. tsk~ *shake head*
my overweight cargo bag. haha
i swear the first tot tt comes to my mind when i c the sink is : What a friggin huge sink! It's tall n bigger den the normal wans we c... The Dutch are generally alot taller n bigger den us... almost giants to me...

my 'cho-cho' all the way from sg to ams to be my companion. lonesome nights w/o cho-cho is unbearable to me. cho-cho's been keeping my tears n mucus well. *HUGS*
the view from my room. damn freezing....
thank God we had Karen, qwee lymm's fren whose studying in the Hague. If nt for her we'll prob have a harder time trying to navigate our way esp when we've a train to take.
Karen's a lovely person n a fren to keep. *beams* love her~
the metro station

my tix...

the meadows with losta HUGE cows n horses roaming bt quite freely....
Rishi fast asleep. with darren our first officer n clive on the other side.
ME!!! giving u my signature 'gek-sai' look!! i know u like it~ i just knew it!

the first HUGE dog i see in AMS. monstrous doggie. can tell tt it's happy right... by the wagging tail.
it was a university town...
on the bus to the kloe blah blah* place to c the tulips. "i'll find out the name n fill in the blank next time."
bikes- every Dutch owns one...

on our way.....
the 2nd monsterous Dog i c.... damn huge. really feel like riding on it.
the beautiful music thingy behind. I guess my english is toooo powerful to know what the hell this thing is called. by the way, it was playing 'SAKURA'. hahahaha...
The netherlands is famous for their waffles. a must try cos it's different from what u'll gt in sg. it's much more sweeter, spongier and the butter smell is richer.
where the Monster Dogs Unite...

Happy to c Tulips, cos it's the last day of the Tulips carnival when we touchdown.
Rishi n Clive trying to imagine themselves in the bed of Tulips. Rishi sees the potential of the garden.

Tulips r 90% choppes off. I suspect they r bundled up for sales purposes since they'll start to wither after season. The best time to see tulips is between apr to may.

the house of flowers.

Clive n i..... n he just chok chok his fingers into the ass of the human statue, n now he's anxious to smell his fingers....

guys can b v funny sometimes, we girls just need to give in.

besides huge dogs, u c alot of nude statues ard.... haha.. netherland living up to what it's famous for.
another exhibitionist
funny how the purple wans r swaying to the side n the white wans ain't.


It's freezing in ams... i guess tt's y the chicken looks funny.....

shaven sheep. tragedy of a lamb~ meh~~~

ur wife 20 yrs later.
the clogs...
n more wooden clogs....

happy to c the windmill though nt the traditional wans.... but i'm planning to go c the real wans the next time i visit ams... so no worries... chills.

how nt to be tempted....
gg back to town.
told u guys r predictable creatures. What Clive is doing is totally something i had predicted he will do.
a busy metro station. 3.30pm n freezing like mad. 9 degrees celsius.
Just 5 in the morn n it's damn bright.... 11pm oso v bright... they gt v little night time during this period.... damn messing up my bio clock....
morning sun....
woke up damn early the 2nd day as i wasted my 1st day on sleeping... decided to head back to hotel to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
anyway... i'm oredi gg off to venture the city by 7am. hah~ early.
the street behind my hotel...
Marriot-where i'm staying
i'll try to fill in the names when i gt my AMS map....

the street is v dirty early in the morn... seriously, the first 2 things u c in the morn r Rubbish n the rubbish collector.
a typical AMS building.
Rubbish n me.

the canal... another common sight u'll see every other street. Bear in mind, Ams is below mean sea level.... somehow some friggin smart guy came up w some technology to keep this country above sea level. if nt it wld have been drowned 800 yrs ago.

so cute... look at the dorr to the basement... damn cute.

poor duncheon being left behind by the owner. trying to catch up w its mates. In sucha freezing weather, i guess they call this Hotdog.
Rijksmuseum... i heard it holds 5 pics of Rembrant. How true i'm nt sure... i said i heard. Most parts are still under renovation, so do not go until end of 2008.

y TNT?
Strolling in VondelPark.
so romantic but where is my beloved jx?
some very wealthy estate just outside VondelPark.
a lil further from town
child's play
the recycling bins.. u c them in the neighbourhood on most strees.

i heart some morning sun
u c this again.
press for the traffic- for bikes thank you~!
boathouse. so lovely.
beautifide bubblegum truck.

bought my breakfast n ate in my warm room. hmmm~ enjoy~ din have my dinner cos i slept thru the night. hahaha....
wat~ abit of zi lian photo here n there wun kill.
time to write my travel log.

Centraal Station. U'll love it there, Busy, vibrant and very Califoool~
Canal Bus... will take a ride the next time.
the tram is another mean of transport in Ams.

the famous sex museum. nt mentally prepared to go... Fyi, i din go to the Red light Dist as well.... argh~ nt prepared to c naked women in the windows yet. Next time, i promise.

The dam sq
madame Tussaud

the flower market

Colours of Ams

Something familiar in amsterdam.
me~!! if u r happy to c me clap ur hands. CLAP CLAP~

from Febo, i dono what u call this, i just pointed to gt this. but it's a kinda breadcrumb rolls with heavily spiced mashed potato w chicken. VERY NICE filling esp when the weather is tt cold.
the yakult is ironically small in size. 1 bottle is bt 70% of the normal size w see in sg. Enough for the Huge pple of Holland meh? i really have my doubts.
c.... another huge dog. n funny thing is they r allowed on public transports.
my unlimited ride for 24hr. cost me 7 euros... considered VERY cheap oredi lor~~!!!! it can b used for trams, metro and buses... gt this when ur in Ams ok my fellow FSS n FS.
waiting for my tram after getting my grocerise at Albert Hejin. I swear i din pose for this.....
tried being abit more adventurous n headed out for their 'yishun' of amsterdam.
a WC smacked in the middle of the road. anyway, i din gt to c the open public WC cos i din go to the red ligth dist.
my lunch~ some turkish food. nice...

just for u don.
went to visit the van gogh museum alone.... i went back a lil toooo late. n qwee lymm n darren oredi headed out.

I am sterdam

cherie @ van gogh museum. worth every cent to stare closely @ van gogh's work.... after being so many yrs of design students, n studying so much of his life n work... finally a chance to c his work in real life.
but i was lucky to join qwee lymm n darren at the last level of the museum. hahahaha....

on our way to the Anne Frank's Museum.

Anne Frank huis. It's the actual anne frank's house but under restoration. too bad for me n u. No photos to be taken, but trust me, i've gt a video of myself shot in the museum itself. It's call the leaf for the Anne Frank's tree... but i wun show u.. tooooo ugly.
just a few buildings down @ 191 blah blah st is the highly recommended The Pancake Bakery.

Qwee Lymm n Darren (our first officer)
FO= f*ck O**
y leh? haiz...
dinner settled.
brought breakfast for the next day... the 100% juice r real goooooood! almost finished is the passionfruit, pear n orange wan.
tooo nice n EX to touch. see will do.
when i was back this morn, gt a shock in my life to c my pomeranian converted to chiwhawha....

but we still love u the same mandy dearest!!! i know it's u (even w/o the hair) when u start chewing onto pple pants n skirts....


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