Sunday, June 29, 2008

i've consolidated my auckland trip, icheon trip, san francisco trip and taipei trip. Paris is up next!! I had in Paris thanks to the fabulous set of crew!! So here goes.....

Auckland-New Zealand (080608-110608)

The Langham Hotel. Pink and gold as their theme and i spent a huge amount of time in my room as it was winter outside and i had to stay in the hotel on my 2nd day expecting a standby callup, but thank God nobody called. hahahaha.... anyway~ the Tv programme there is great as there are quite a few varieties.. kept me occupied. haha..

Just behind the hotel is these mini Korean Street and there's a chain of Korean Restaurants which i had all my 3 meals settled. hahaha... tried only their Sundubu... They even have Lotte there... goodness....~ haha.. that is SOOOOO korean.

after my rostered duty was up on my 2nd day, had dinner w my crew and decided to explore the cuty a lil as my senior crew headed back to their rooms..
i managed to locate the skycity tower where ppl go for there for the skywalk and skyjump.

decided to go back to the hotel b4 i gt lost again and in AKL there's lotsa homeless... so be v v v careful.

the streets being really steep as it mountainous in NZ. Didn't do much there cos of a bad pattern... i might do the gloworm cave n visit the Hobits Town or even do a skydive next time.

Icheon-SFO-Icheon (090608-150608)

my cho cho in Seoul Hilton. My must have if not i dono how to survive 1 whole week without it...
my breakfast. I rem the first time i went to seoul, i had burger for breakfast.... sux right... no life lah me.
same view as Yihui's room~ tt's becos the 2nd time i'm there, i was given the same room. hahaha... anyway... the crew touched down in the evening and were oredi v v v v tired. We met for dinner and blonked onto our bed straight away as our flight to SFO is the next day~

San Francisco

Parc 55 Hotel @ the heart of the Union SQ is a killer to my pocket.. because of the shopping... i can literally see my pocket spilling blood.... Forever 21 is just across the damn hotel~ Bad bad. SFO being 15hrs behind us if i've nt mistaken.... doesn't give me jet lag... i guess it's the thought of shopping tt cures... heeeeheeeee

After touch down, my LSS n I chiong for shopping oredi... and the crew joint in SFO is the Thai food... I love my LSS cheryl... she's like a sister to me... n we click really well man. wonder how is she doing.

the fortune cookie tt panda express gives when u purchase ur meal from them... it's a fast food link tt sells chinese food... damn cheenah~

my dinner settled.
my junk for the night... i know nt alot... din wan to spend too much leh~ i keep converting the dollar to sg n it's still a lil over my budget though the dollar is weak. Mango green tea snapple... nice man...
wooooo... the best reese bar ever... if the ahlabor hold the ownership to the oil... USA holds the ownership to Reese... they sell by the mountain n it's damn goooooood~ it has some caramel flakes in it.

i crawled outta bed at 6am for running.... Like i said b4, i'm gg to run to the golden gate bridge... but honestly... it is v v v v v v v v v v v v v far~ n i ran without a map, n alone, n my first time being in US.... so i just bumped my way ard...

u c the homeless everywhere... kinda scary
can u imagine how high n steep the slopes were. I got lost for hours because of these slopes because u dun know which part of the street u were at even though u ran up and down n up n down the slopes a few time, and the street name is still the same.

aiyoh~ no make up= ghost
the muni....

lovely isn't it... no wonder SFO has the most sort after properties in the whole wide world...

this thing is really at ur eye level...
i'm just glad i ran towards the sea..
with lotsa yatch.... it's nt fisherman's wharf... i din go there becos of time constraint. but trust me, it'll be one of my objectives the next time i go...
However, the scenery is breathtaking....

an island in a distance.... u can see the fog... it's actually v windy, but becos the area is vast n there's no shade.. so the sun can be merciless....

the water smells fishy.... so dun b trick by how beautiful this place is... well, i'm nt saying it's nt.. it just stinks.
this area is full of joggers.....
n i see something......

u can tell tt i'm really exhausted from running n the sun beating on me.... but i'm still trying to take a shot w/o looking toooo worn out. hahaha....
if u r thinking of running there.... trust me.. better not. i'm gg to rent a bike the next time.

Yeah~ finally~ The Golden Gate Bridge before my eye.
for runner/walkers/whoever nt on wheels... leave the sign alone.
behind the fence is a magnificiant view tt the camera cannot justify.

the cute little houses u'll c before u see the bridge.

Ta-dah~ My first step on the Bridge!!!!

My battery died on me. damn... nt the physical battery alone... my camera's battery died tooo~ so this is my first step n last shot of the bridge. what a pity cos i ran across the bridge and the view along it is even more magnificient. No turning back!
n i managed to run to post st.. chestnut st on my way back. all those cute victorian likes shops r there.... i'm sure those who chiong the union sq wun go to this places... equivalent to our haji lane.
my run in the morning is equivalent to a marathon. it took me 6 hrs... so by the time i reach my hotel.. i'm burnt. Just look at the diff..... just nice when i came back from my run, i saw cheryl n she cldn't gt me thru the phone to tell mi the macy's morning sale.... damn damn cheap...... but i missed it... there goes my coach shoes....
so i slept till evening cos my body is reallly toooooooooo tired. but i decided to waste no time n chiong-ed my shopping.

my messy room. as usual.
I lost all my seoul pics... those of myeong dong n me w my LSS.... damn~
this is the only pic left. the ginseng chicken we ate at myeong dong~

and my lunch from the crew joint before heading back to sg. yummy~ soooodubu again~ hahaha

bought some clothes for Mandy fron korea... damn cute lor~ my dog is a Gucci dog can~ hahaha

Was called up for a Tpe flt after 4 days of rest.
Sheraton Taipei... what a luxury. I've always loved Sheraton toilet. haha... a short stay but it's still ok lah~
i must confess i spent alot of time there.

the lunch buffet

navigating my way to xi men ding... honestly... i'm v street smart leh~ it's my first time in Tpe... n i'm oredi navigating my own way. hahahaha... alone somemore... cos my seniors r toooo 'hardworking' they chiong there b4 i can bathe.. so nv join them... my junior... toooo lazy... only wan to go out after 6pm... how to chiong like tt.....

heehee... reached~!

so colourful~

must try!!!! the queue is damn long.
this shop is super cute.
i'm shock to know some pple from tpe actually can tell which company u r from~ like in korea myeong dong... i guess too many crew goes there for shopping... this salegirl actually ask " not flying today?" n i was stun..... haha....

it's still soooo packed even for the dinner.... Gosh.. i shld go there for buffet the next time..

my breakfast for the next day~
my dinner... haha... soooo adventurous i know~
the famous beancurd w lotus seed... but forgt the name.

my snack... orgh luah~ but i prefer the sg version... taiwan's version is sweet. dun like~
tt's all... tooo tired to say anything more. hahahaha.. gg to zzzzzzzzzzz..... tooooooooo tired after my Paris flt n o'm falling sick le... tmr gg to Johannesburg... soooo fast....


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