My Travel Log (Day 1 -Rhine Falls)
My 2nd time to Zurich, with ah mah, first jcl solo.. sounds exciting huh. It is actually. In fact, I think i did pretty ok for a first solo. At least i remembered all my pax's name... gg back tonight! *cheers*
My phone rang several times in the wee of dawn n i finally woke up to answer 1 at 6.20am. It was ah ma who is staying in the next room. Ah ma being ah ma actually mistook the day for night and thought we should b preparing for flight now. heeheee.. v cute lor.
Anyway, it's our 2nd day here, wanted to go to the very beautiful Lucern which i'd been to before w Alicia n Berrie this morn, but decided not to as it'll be v rush for us to be back for flight. So here i am, blogging, listening to Sara Bareilles and waiting for Rose to touch down so we can all go for lunch and catch up a lil' bit.

To Schaffhaussen Station where the Rhine falls is.

Beautiful Denise

bEst thing about the swiss is the beautiful sceneries and landscape. I've got the best view on the plane. The swiss Alps is a killer.

the flowers are everywhere.

Tulips. Must be beautiful in Amsterdam.

Realized we were on the wrong side when the water i gg downstream... so we decided to stick to what is planned and head back to Schaffhausen.
Ah ma's happy food 
me doing my thang~ pole dance. sexy huh~ hahahaha
the smoke trail

from a distance

In Osaka. HAHAHA... cherry blossoms wat..

English Rose

Sausages for Lunch
My 2nd time to Zurich, with ah mah, first jcl solo.. sounds exciting huh. It is actually. In fact, I think i did pretty ok for a first solo. At least i remembered all my pax's name... gg back tonight! *cheers*
My phone rang several times in the wee of dawn n i finally woke up to answer 1 at 6.20am. It was ah ma who is staying in the next room. Ah ma being ah ma actually mistook the day for night and thought we should b preparing for flight now. heeheee.. v cute lor.
Anyway, it's our 2nd day here, wanted to go to the very beautiful Lucern which i'd been to before w Alicia n Berrie this morn, but decided not to as it'll be v rush for us to be back for flight. So here i am, blogging, listening to Sara Bareilles and waiting for Rose to touch down so we can all go for lunch and catch up a lil' bit.

bEst thing about the swiss is the beautiful sceneries and landscape. I've got the best view on the plane. The swiss Alps is a killer.

the flowers are everywhere.

Tulips. Must be beautiful in Amsterdam.

me doing my thang~ pole dance. sexy huh~ hahahaha

take bus 1 to rhinefall

English Rose

thanks for the pics batchie! u r so fast in blogging. can send me the pic i take with the hungarian guy. going to make *hem hem* angry when hes naughty.
hope u doing well in Jcl and i know u will =)
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