Saturday, July 17, 2004

oh my God.. shiva.. u gave tt 'bald fat guy' my email??? i'm gonna strangle u!!!! u noe he'll start naggin at me!!! *cries* God help me!!!! whahahaha...
whahaha... haven been contacting him n i'm just kinda shocked.. tt's all..
hey hey.. i'm back.. just in time for 'simple life'.. n it's laughing the shit outta me.. so crappy.. mom said i'm jus as sam pat as them.. which i totally disagree.. rite peeps?? hehe..
din go rav cos i'm penniless.. nobody's driving.. i hate it!!
me n bro r gg to be real bz tml.. cos we've planned to hold a no-smoking campaign for my dad. tt smoker.. *opps* sry die(1) don mean to pull u down... but for the sake of our life n urs.. we gotta do this... mi n bro r gg to draw this reallie big poster n we're fining him... plus we've been naggy for god noes how long..  we're driving him mad.. heehee..
oh y.. n just 1 more thing.. don try lao fuzi's char kuey diao.. taste like shitzzz... *wonder y i keep saying shit.. heehee.. out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks? well.. i dono*
n to all anti-cherie... thnx sooo much for ya support.. it's alwaiz good to have u loyal fans.. thnk you.. it's reallie such an honour to be adored by u.. *muacks*


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