Tuesday, July 20, 2004

wah.. i must reallie give myself a pat on the shoulder lor... *PATZZZ*
spend 1 whole day cleaning my room...whahaha.. super duper dusty until i kept sneezing.. alamak..
so proud of myself leh.. cant u feel my pride??? can rite??? cos i'm reallie proud... aiyoh.. buay tahan leh!!!! cherie... ur so li hai!!!! whoo~~~ *claps* heehee... aiyah.. all u lazy pp who don clean ur room go away lah...!
argh... haven eaten anything... i think i'm reallie the Princess of anorexia nervosa.. *depressed*
hey charboh.. this is for you.. i'm horrible when it comes to comforting some1.. but i reallie reallie hope ya okie.. i'm jus a call away if u need somebody to tok to okie?? whahaha.. i can pei ni curse n swear.. @#$'#@!!! heehee *anyway.. i hope the note below will help cheer u up a lil* cheer up babe..
Be a person full of love & life
Stay simple yet happy.
When things go wrong dun go blue
Just pray n say 'i will get thru'
Always rem God will be there for u.



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