Monday, October 18, 2004

baby.. i'm missing 'awake' very very very very much. play for me... now... or i'll 'si kiao kiao'...

this sis came to find mi today n ask mi bot some keyboard thingy.. suprisingly.. i wasn't interested to tok bot it.. ok.. i admit it.. i'm nt at all surprised. i jus don feel like toking bot it.. jus don wan to rake up anything tt will upset me.. argh~ this music conversation banjaxed my day lah dey~ i guess i'm jus nt the cher who blabbers non-stop bot music.. haiz.... *depression mode*

heng i've got my baby to cheer me up.. jus by looking at him i can go crazy liao... sweet jx bought me snacks, send mi to work.. sms mi saying hafyz msged mi... idiot... "ni chi shi..."

ok anyway.. i repeat... don tell mi bot the GOD thingy.. i gave up my birthright as a levite... wat else do u pp wan from me..??? another conversation regarding this n don blame me for turning my face! thnx..

n stop asking mi bot mi n jx.. in a sarcastic way.. u pp think tt it wun last.. alrights.. tt's wat u think.. if it doesn't, it doesn't.. don tink tt onlie a 'heaven made' match will last.. a christian boy might jus turn out to be tt ' fallen' wan.. so y do i have to look for a partner in a church...???? i hate it lah... shut up! nt gg to entertain u pp anymore.. whahahahahahahahahahah... happy searching.. buzz off..

Bedfordshire pp.. go sleep lah...


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