Monday, October 11, 2004


(l-r)kelly, liu n mi!
wat is liu doing!!?? aiyoh!!!

mop, psyche, cher(where is ah wong!!??)

ah liu v cute hor!

princess don alwiz look pretty... we're human afterall.. whahaha...*BLURRED* blame it on kel's cam den..

i love this ugly pic of mi! ah liu looks like audrey kena-burn! whahaha... sexy!

my jie mei~

love my sistas!

soooooooooooooooooo cute ah dai ah nian~~~~ notti psyche!!

the white me..
the diy permed hair mi..
the skinny mi..
the white as liquid paper mi..
the look v old mi..
the v fake smile me.. the REAL MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Cher!!! You are out of the spinster club, I shall be taking over that position and be the director of the club and shall re-organize everything and make sure that I do not go wrong like you!! Haa!!!
-taken from psyche's blog

charbor.. u wun stay there for long wan lor!!! i'm nt kicked out!! whahaha... i QUIT!!! whahahaha...

baby.. i love u! more.... 4th rose! i'm sooo happy with u... the q i asked u.. n the stupid shallow ans u gave mi.. i simply cant accept it!!!! ur dead if u cant think of a better 1...


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