Saturday, October 09, 2004

heehee... went binging on clothes again... alamak!!!!! how...??? broke broke broke~~~ spend $180 on 2 tops n a track pants... nice~~~

die die oso must get my mango tee.... if nt at least the purpls pants... whahahhaha... seldom buy mango... doesn't suit me leh.. it's either toooo small or tooooo big.. but heck lah... so i die die oso must make a trip down to suntec tml!!! gg in the morn... lesser crowd...

den go meet ting... den.... dono liao... argh~~ euphoria..?? shld i go...??? don feel like gg... but if i don go... i got nthng to do... whahahhahahaha....

anyway.. my baby is having his gig in NUS tml... stupid idiot... u don wan mi to go rite...??? must be got girl fans or wat rite...???? or u don wana mi to c ur red nose???

anyway... my son say if it's him.. he oso don wan his gf to go... *dono how u guys think* next time i'lll perm ur hair lor... make up for u lor... make u look prettier on stage wan.... anyway... baby.. don buy mi anymore food liao... i cant bear to eat!!!!!!

whahahaha... argh~~~ must go find my own program.. shopping??? chilling out...??? clubbing...??? watch vcd...??? play piano....??? or zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

have this gut feeling tt my eyes will swell.... ate sotong today... *chuckles* hyiak hyiak hyiak..


lil veggie sold his guitar n amplifier n blah blah blah... shock sia.... stun dio...

anyway... i'm gg to sell mi guitar oso.. with casing $280 can...??? cos total is a $320.. use onlie 2 times... *whahaha... can u believe it..??* tt time jus buy for fun cos discount mah... whahahahhaha.... i'm v 'jian' rite...??? at 1st no $$$$ den resort to selling keyboard.. now it's my guitar... whahahhahaha...


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