Friday, October 22, 2004

no kiss but it's a memorable nite

The Secret Machines.. innovative n progressive... i love it.. i must have it!!!!!

this, my frenz... is my ideal band setting... cool rite??

Pearl Jam-Benaroya Hall Live!!!
this is the dono-how-many live cd they produced.. prob the band w the most live albums.. but i jus love them!

whahaha... lil rich veg is gg for his shopping spree tml.. n i beg him too buy the 2 cds for me.. i'm gg to die if i don get it.. on a mission to bug my bro.. hek hek~ n stupid him don wan me to tag along cos he said i'm redundant!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!

argh~ i'm soooo chi cham these few days.. even my bro can tell.. so paiseh.. it totally bang out of order when he ask mi if i've got enough to spend or nt this morn.. hate it...

yes.. i'm broke but i still have to keep my dignity.. nt gg to beg him for extra cash.. i'll jus starve n live on my 'daily bread' n cup noodles.. argh... to ask or nt to ask?? so broke to such an extent tt i even gotta half-inched my mum's $5 mcdonald's voucher lor.. argh~~~~ i feel like a stupid bat stuck onto a sticky wicket!


phone bill:$190++

pimples r popping n i'm freakin sad bot it.. *sobz* how huh?? it's prob the time of the mth when the red painter is coming to paint the wall red.. alamak... wat an irony.. no wonder i was sooooo mean to my baby yest... *shake head*

babe.. thnx for sending mi hme.. hek hek~ i hate u for showing 'THAT' to ur frenz.. i seriously dono where to hide my face!!!! ~*~ hide my face in ur embrace~*~ heeeeheeeeee.... now u noe how much i love u... love u love u!!!

cd spinning: alter bridge (y m i listening to it anyway..???)


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