Thursday, November 11, 2004

before i blog anything.. i'm gonna have to say this to ZQ. u better go save ur kim... tt zhu ba jie must have cast a spell on her. OH mY GoD!!!! reallie beauty n the big fat pig lor... dono y he wear braces oso... wun do any help to his piggy porky look wan lor..

baby... *hugz* reallie missed tt.. i love u... we're ok now...*tell u secret* it might b pms or wat.. whahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....

aiyoh ay... sent mi baby hme... feel like an old ah mah sending a lil boy hme... 1st time leh...

i want to c u everyday... u jus make my day so special.... n the feeling of being close to u is magical... we both noe tt even the word 'love' lack the intensity tt's within us..

love u lots..... n pls stop ur gayish flirts with lele... i'll be jealous wan lor.. whahahahahhaha...


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