Saturday, November 06, 2004

lotsa hugs n hersheys kisses from jx..

mummy trying to b funny... she first play dead.. but i din post tt pic.. whahahaahahah...mum is kinda on the heavier side... jx.. better keep ur opinions to urself n get in her good shoes... or i'm gonna whacked u til ur nose bleed..

she posed for this pic... whahahaha... sexy ma ma~~

dad insist i'm v notti when i insist on taking his pic..

views of my hse..(revamping lil veggie's room)

extremely messsssssy rite...??????????

medicine... argh~~~toilet paper: courtesy of a v loving dad...*hyiak hyiak hyiak*

this is jus a portion of the mess.. whahahahaha...

baby went for jamming n i'm missing him a hell lot... argh~~ so sick.. having this v bad flu, fever and a v red n swollen throat.



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