Thursday, February 03, 2005

see... 2 nations merging to form a mighy nation. very soon. jus wait n see... oh mine.. fancy falling sick with all the flu n fever n ulcers during my bday! *airy-fairy cherie* been faithfully taking the royal jelly, drinking plenty of h2o, dams full of ginseng chrysenthemum tea, luo han longan, yet none cld prevent Uncle Dick from knocking on my door.

din wana take a cab... but tt dumbo cutey baby of mine insisted tt i shld, n pulled mi outta the train.. goodness, watse $$$$$!!!

*blooooooooooooooooooooooooow nose*

this top makes mi look damn fat!

went shopping yest... very rush shopping. i reallie hate it. it's jus like grabbing something u see n u head to the counter kinda thing if u shop during cny. the clothes i bought totally cmi for cny.. bought a pink top from topshop, n flip flops*not again* from roxy, adidas jacket... blah blah... all not suitable for cny.... let's say i'll go hunt for clothes ltr. hmmm......

craving: marche......

baby.. come away with me~


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