happy bday to myself!!!!! i'm only 19!!!
me n my baby... sweet rite???
my bday cake no2. apart from the melty marshmallow lookalike strawberry cake my mom's friend bake n the 3rd wan tt my frenz got mi.... whoo.. i love it. but i'm still unable to fatham y they think i like hello kitty. the fact is i dun! whahahahahha....
there... my lovely sistas.... my frenzzzz...(whom i've neglected) *muacks muacks* whahahahaha.... pls guys... if ur drooling.. forget it!! of the 4, 3 r attached... n 1 is flying off to aussie... plus she's into a guy oredi!
yeah.. tugged in! pple... this is onlie half of the table.. wait till u see the whole table... got so much food n everybody ended feeling damn full.... n we cant finish... n there was so much leftovers.. watta waste... tt explains y my son got the pizza... whahahahahaha....
see the bunny shirls....?? n stupid sharon is on the phone with her honey again!!! forever wan leh!!!
havaianas from them...(nt nice, no taste) whahahaha... n roxy flip flop i got yest... cant wear them for new year..
got this from topshop yest.. cmi oso...
polo sports.. got it today.. wanted to get a v sweet white polka dots tee.. but it was made defective by some nasty foundation stain. so i decided to forsake it.
adidas jacket i bought yest... aiming for the green wan though...
present from my sweeeeeeeties... heehee.. the 1 i wan.. oso from levi's
the 1 i bought....-levi's
ang bao from jx's mom... thanks auntie...
but the best gift of all is still the gift from baby........
baby... this is the best gift i've ever recieved... i love it to the bits darling!!!! *muacks*.......*ouch*(ulcer my dear) muacks muacks muacks!!!
n my baby's narssist A1 poster...
by the way DON.... this was how the pizza was passed to u! first from shirls....
den to jx......
damn.. i gotta go slp... meeting @ 9am!!! siao!!!
cd.. here i come!!!!!!
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