Monday, August 15, 2005


oh i'm shock to noe about the speculation of mi n this guy fren... i stress again.. guy FRIEND!!!! i seriously dono where u notti bunch of pple get tt idea from??? usually, i'm 'dao' to guys cos every guy tt comes in my way, it's most likey they get stared by me, or i completely ignore their existence. n den all of them will hate me. whahahahahahha... *evil*

n in cases whereby i'm close enough to talk to a male species, they often ended up being v buddy with me. brothers lah dey~ tt's y for w****'s case, u guys can be more innoccent or nt?? i have a bf leh.. n my bf means the world to me ok.. whahahahaha... i tink this 'fren fren' feeling is mutual btw us leh~ plus a male species is rare in the sc. perhaps tt's where u guys got the wrong idea.. act he's oso close to mich n fei'er what... i used to asked mich if they were together or nt wat... right mich???

anyway.. i was reading a blog entry of jx's bassist.. bassist? anything lah.. i REALLY hate quitters. quitters r irresponsible pple.. they joined... had their share of fun, think it's not their cuppa tea.. clean their ass n say Bye bye. for what sial... waste of time isn't it??? ur wasting ur time.. n ur wasting ur bandmates' time ok brother.. in the first place, y din u get UR direction clear?? hey.. i m a cruiser like u alright... for pple who noes mi, they'll nv regard me as a choleric worker. but i do put in a certain amount of effort n i finish the job tt's given to me. of cos i'm nt saying tt ' wah.. cherie is sooo hardworking' or wat.. of cos i'm nt.. i have my share of being a procrastinator n only 'pia' last min.. but i'm defintiely nt a quitter!!!

n as a grp, shldn't u voice out the probs ur facing?? n stop complaining about how u cldn't cope with sucha fast pace the band has placed, or too young n penniless.. if u din voice out.. how do u expect the grp to noe????

stop being whiney n all... argh~

back to doing my last min work.... whahahahahahahaha... after so much of preaching... c..?? i'm still a human.. n human commit the primary element tt made man who he is today. SIN~ *laughs*


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