Sunday, November 27, 2005

convocation 2005 was a huge success. of cos not w/o the help of my dearest committee. i think every1 of them had done a fab job!!!! muacks.. i just love u all.

we had loads of fun esp having to shop for a decent dress to go on stage. but i ended up wearing a pullover cos i din wana look so formal. haha.. tt bloody dress cost mi $76 ok! so ex.

met Mr george chew, the guy behind sitra holding, oso the 1 who took a fancy on my chair. he's making a huge bunch of it now. regine n i r really happy to c him n his wife. Perry came too, n i kinda went to tok to him, host him n stuffs. haha.. *glad* jeremy, tt funny guy din come. argh~ n had a chat or 2 with mr james koh. tt left me rather impressed with his achievements.

had pic with frenz. oso with regine, albert n megan. VERY HAPPY!

will post the pics again.


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