Monday, May 01, 2006

heehee... last nite i met up with some good ol frenz for a clubbing session.

funny i cldn't find my ic after a frantic search, turned the entire room upside down n the ic is still nowhere in sight. afterall, the last time i needed my i/c was 4 or 5 mths back.

anyway.. xiu called. i asked her if she ever heard of any1 gg in w a passport. n to my amusement, our dear ruiyu, whom we happened to see @ clarke quay, ever did tt.

hahaha... whole time i felt like sneezing cos the place really seemed quite dusty. no cute guys to 'bua', only xiu n jenn, but tt's good enuff. no pam to do the 'caterpiller dance' except ah nian to entertain abit.

knowing my limits, i only took 2 or 3 timy sips n i passed the vodka to ping. din get high, so i guess sim n all felt relieved.

the world is small really. soooooooooooooooooooo small!!!!!


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