Friday, March 02, 2007

i'm a week late. went over to sharon's hse last fri to bai nian. den we decided to head on down to shirls place for mahjong!!! hahaha... becoming an addict.

shirls n her cousin vanessa. shirls is sucha sweetie. met her cousin just to buy her a turtle toy. gg back tml.. sobx sobx~!!!

the cousin tt always closes her eyes when we're taking the pic. looking really tired. din sleep the night b4 can~!!!

fighting again?

shirls's place.

be impressed!! be v v impressed!!! these r the tidbits for new yr- n the pic couldn't justify how exxagerating the amount is.

the clamp for macademia.some might b wondering y nt get the cracked-n-ready-to-eat macademia. it's nt the result tt matters... it's all about the experience.

the fridge-personality betrayer~!

of cos... the mahjong. i lost $18 tt day ar~ biggest loser... hahaha...
all these in the name of fun~!


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