Tuesday, February 13, 2007

mi n mom went to jb... whick took us only 30min to reach from my hse. hahaha... whoohoo... bought alot of things... n i almost gt myself into trouble when this funny guy started to walk beside me. thnk God mom was alert n pulled mi away... or something bad cld have happened.
anyway... my cny is hmmmmmmm.... the clothes i bought cant match each other. hahahaha...
anyway... i'm tired... the post died on mi, n i retype n uploaded everything ov again.
gotto wake up early tml to do hsework... have a mincure appointment @ 2. manicure-nt my cuppa tea. i love biting nails. hahaha...
Hava Gang


I'd long wanted to share these v beautiful pictures my mom took on her trip to jiuzaigou. I'd only photoshop 2 pics under blackmail. hahahaha... i can only say tt i'm rather proud of my mom's photography skill. hmmmmm... like mother, like daughter. hahaha...


funky cow

obviously it'd been manipulated. hahahaha...

part of the hotel she stayed in. it looks more like a hostel here, but the fact is, it's really quite grand inside according to wat my mom said lah~
the houses had been forsaken as it's submerged by the rising water level.
think venice.

bleu-think french

lan-think chinese


argh~ forced to photoshop. i even did it for her frenz. hahaha... anyway, this is a typical tibetian house. they pple there really can b designers sial~
embrace the colours.
the people look like wax. guy on the far right looks good. my dish. hahaha

free tea. look at the kittens near his legs.

Market Place

first u c the yellow.
den u see the red.
den u c the green.

even the snowman looks like a tibetian.
btw.. i'm nt saying the pple in jzg r tibetians.
in my opinion, they r. hahaha.... to lazy to find out the truth.

cabagges. beautiful.

c... God's creation needs no photoshop~


the gang



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