Friday, April 20, 2007

c what i'd found.
This picture here is taken barely 2 yrs ago when shirlz n min came back for there term break. So much had happened, so many things had changed, but our friendship remains.

when all of us looked like ah dai n mi trying to act like a chio grown up. failed make up!! hahahaha!!! told u liao, every since my bkk trip last yr, my skin is still dark~ hahaha

min + i=mini

sharon- tsk~ i really like ur hair like tt... so girl... i like...
2 yrs later... we grow older n i hope much wiser..
who looks like she's above 20 here??
haiz..... no wonder i dun like hanging out w them. n u pple should c how sharon sniggers at mi everytime we tok about looking young. pple look like a 17 yr old ger can!!
tt's y... i look like a mama w this 2 girls. i loathe~!!!!
remember how we always wonder what we will be 10yrs later? it's almost 10 yrs. Now we know... i couldn't express how grateful i am to all of u who had made my life so much more meaningful. i hope u girls are happy with life and proud of who u r. High sch frenzship always last!! May our sampat-ness spreads to the ends of the world!!!

dearest shirls...
the fren who nv gave up on me, whom i know i can run to when i need someone. thank u thank u thank u n a million more thanks. quickly gt ur license, i'll be ur first patient. Friendship prize hor rem~!!!

dearest sharon...
the fren who looks like a 17 yr old. i admire the way u go extra miles for frenz. i wish i cld b like u sometimes, minus the shopping addiction. my zhu peng gou you since sec... teaching me all the bad things. whahahahahaha.... thnk u for being sucha sweet self. i cldn't ask for a better fren~!!

dearest honey...
the fren w a 15 yr old look but always ready to show u how mature she really is. Thank u for ur laughters... sometimes i cldn't help but laugh secretly in my heart when u give tt priceless blur look. oh ya.. and ur signature hyena laugh... , don lose it!!

dearest min...
the emo queen... ice queen... the classiest of us all... fierce n v v strict netball captain. her stares make me wobbly during my high sch time. hahahahahaha~ it's true u know. i wish u have a bf soon. hahahahahaha~!!!

memories are meant to be kept.
pictures are memories frozen in a moment.
friendship r meant to be treasured.
cherie is nt a mushy touchy girl... so most often i really envy my frenz who can openly show how much they care n cherish u. i want to, but i don't know. All i know is to secretly wish u well.


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