Wednesday, September 17, 2008

sob sob~ got a call exactly at 8am. This early means work for sure, and true enough, i was activated for a dempasar, Bali turn. guah guah guah~ Just my luck that both aircrew and phonelink is down! Couldn't gt any more info on my flt except tt i gotto report to work at 2pm.

met up w ah mok @ bishan coffee bean to acc her to study! mok jiayou for ur exams! n i ended up online shopping. not again~ and in the midst of doing so, i received a sms from denise dearest about the invitation to her wedding! I'm soooo elated at the thought tt our dearest ah ma is finally gg to settle down n marry a gd hubby which she absolutely deserve for being sucha nice n sweet girl. she's like the cinderalla in the real world. she doesn't just loves animals... she takes care of plants as well!

ah mah dearest~ i love ya!


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