Monday, May 11, 2009

SEOUL April 2009-JCL SNY
Yippee.. after almost a yr, i finally get to smell the air of Korea!! Time to replenish some beauty pdts! hee....

Nam dae Mun Market


every few steps and every corner, u'll gt skin food, faceshop, etude house, missha... blah blah...

ME!!! happy though super shag cos touched down n we gotto chiong cos flying back the next noon.

Din join the crew cos they went out much ltr which for someone like me with agendas is a no-no! i did my shopping in a reallie face pace and shopping stations like this, reallie cannot go w crew lah~
my bag was super heavy n i got blisters on my hands. hahaha...

my loot.. i think i spend close to 500sgd man. damn broke! but it's ok lah~ it might be a yr b4 my next incheon flt right?

my dinner.... the fried cuttlefish

n prawn crackers. Koazzz... 1 transaction din went thru n i tot i gt no money(dbs' Fault lah...) there's goes my sundubu!

used the remaininh dough i had to buy 'my-must-have'! butter waffles and the fruit jello.

nice packaging hor...
work very hard hor...

shanghai has one of my fav rooms.

although it's very late.. like 2am when the crew finally gt to settle down in the room, i still ordered room service. V CHEAP N DELICIOUS!!! thai fried rice n spinach n asparagus w balsamic dressing. Cant wait for my next shanghai.. end of this month!! whooooooo

next morning... me and my lss wailin went to the xin wang restaurant at pudong road.
beef+golden mushroom wrap..nt sashimi. it's to be thrown into the mala guo!
tt dish in the background-the best! it's pork's skin+cumcumber+jelly n agar agar+potato chips. weird combi but very very good!! i dun eat pork btw... only this wan. hahaha
garlic scallops

milk tea


me at cheng huang miao on labour day

people mountain people sea
now i know y my dad loves shanghai!

high class

back to the hotel.
quite rush as we've gt a flt back in the evening. the super laksa that made my shanghai trip so worthwhile! Room service!!!! argh~ i can hear the prawns calling me!

n dvds.. hyiak hyiak hyiak


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