Thursday, June 24, 2004

ghostly encounter

eeeekkkkk..... it was a hellavu havoc @ the devil's bar... though... mr JAY lied to me bot the dance com... it's at rav not devils... idiot leh... but anyway.. i funked myself thru the nite... good company.. good music.. except having to wake up this morn with a backache..

last nite.. i forced my bro to watch 'wishing stairs'... hahaha... i practically pulled him out of his room by his collar to watch it.. n i promised to acc him.. den after the show.. we kept discussing bot spooks.. hahaha...

den after some time lying on the bed..*with my mind still thinking of all these ethereal beings i either watched or came in contact with b4*.. BANG!!! my books started dropping on the floor.. den i kept hearing heavy footsteps.. but i guess it's prob pp from the upper unit.. kaozzz.... freak the hellavu me manzzzz... somemore my blanket is so thin... hmm... i must bring in my quilt tonite le... haha.. den thruout this whole tin.. i tried to open my eyes.. cos i wana see.. if there's reallie a 'visitor'.. how wld he/she looks like... whahaha... maybe i can learn more from it..

aiyah.. act i've encountered worse things den this man.. do u noe tt.. sometimes.. there's loud bangings from my bedhead.. it bangs with rhythm somemore ar.. haha... but everytime i gotta ask it to shut up.. so i'll start hitting the bedhead oso.. mom don believe me cos it's unexplainable how the sounds comes about.. haiz..

den if u c my room's pic.. u'll c this doll dressed in red standing on my bedhead.. it's a musical doll my godparents got mi.. well this wan does scare me reallie badly a few times.. w/o pressing the button... sometimes the music will automatically comes out itself.. imagine.. in the middle of the nite, u're preparing to slp.. everything was still n silent.. den this sound came to break whateva that's still n calm... whahaha... somebody asked me to take out the batt.. but i found tt the batt's oredi decomposing inside... scary rite??? come slp over @ my place okie??? haha... if ya lucky.. u might c wat u wana c... whahaha....

maybe some of u noe i sleepwalk alot wan.. den there's was this period of time.. (it doesn't happen anymore ar mind u..) i kept waking up in the middle of the nite.. n i kept walking about in the house... den there's alwiz this unfathomable force tt pushes me to hit myself against the wall.. sometimes i c myself going against walls n stuff like tt.. like instead of going thru the door.. i'll go bang against the wall 1st.. n i pretty much woke up n i'm god damn clear watz happening around mi.. but i just couldn.t control myself... n i woke up in the morn with lotsa bruises implanted in me.. haha..

spooky stories for u early in the morning! haha.. gotta more ar... next time i tell you.. whahaha... scardy cats!!!


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