Saturday, June 26, 2004

i hate it!!! the pimples r starting to pop.. i guess itz prob tt time of the month again.. Gosh.. makes me so sian bot it..

yeah... xiong came out today but tt idiot nv pick up my call.. so i went back.. n after tt he sms back to ask me where m i cos he's at cine with ray n guys.. but i was already in the train le... sob sob.. so sad.. din get to c him.. n the worst thing is he told my ray deleted the pics tt we took tgether @ cb... raymond tan, lim, argh.... whateva... he's gonna get it from mi...

saw james @ the station.. he looks so like a typical designer.. with tt dull lok kok tee n low cut pants n cap n toot hair style with something tt look like my ex-bang... gosh.. can't stand it... anyway... below is for design students nia i tink:
FOAM bdae bash at


on the 3rd of july, saturday!!

$18 (including beach and indoor club)

2 drinks + promo

Free bus from 9 to 11.30 at city hall bus-stop

music: R&b, hip hop

contact me for tics~

okie.. must be wondering how come i'm so guai.. @ home.. cos i'm stone broke.. left with not a single cent.. haiz.. how??? i just paid $260+ for some stuff... better not say.. if not later kena scolding..

george picking veg later.. he'll be gone for a couple of days.. hooray!!!

cant believe wat tc did @ dbl o... manzzzzzz... feel like killing him...

anyway.. andrew sms mi something like this..'ku ku ji bai'(once in awhile)... haha... like vulgarity ar?

anyway.. it's true rite? sometimes when we're too on fire for jesus, we fear how pp will c us as freaks... but i guess tt's still ikan bilis lah.... we shld start to worry if pp don c u as Jesus' freak...

Lte's be freaks manzzz....!!!


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