Friday, July 23, 2004

argh..*stretch* rise n shine cherie chua!!! aiyoh... woke up with a terrible water retention.. gosh.. shldn't have gulped down tt HUGE cup of water.

anyway.. my lips r craking damn bad.. n it's sooooooooooo painful.. finally understood how my cousin felt. her family intended to imigarte to canada.. so they decided to stay there for a few months as trial.. den this cousin of mine  cldn't get use to the cold weather.. n her lips started craking n it bleed.. so the whole family gotta fly back to spore.

hey.. okie lah.. tell u wat i'm bz with lately.. i working at levi's.. cool rite???? yeah!! not bored anymore... hve been slacking for months! was so *heng* to b selected manzzzzz.... tt time i went for int with mx.. there was like 100 ov pp... n tt's the 2nd day.. so u can imagine how many turned up on the 1st day... wah... scary sia... i love working.. m i mad or wat??? now i don wana slog for rl.. but i wana slog for levi's. saw so many old frenz when i work there.. come find me ok..

hey.. don ask mi to help u get disc.. cos i wun! whahahahaha... ney neynnie booboo... haha.. no lah... cant get disc now oso... so too bad lah... hahaha... but i can  get free jeans n tops on a regular basis... chio rite... whahahahaahaha...

bro got his saf bond n his thinking of rejecting it.. whahahaha... like sis like bro... anyway.. i hpoe he go for it lah... lotsa benefits wat... k k.. i wana go play game again.. bye..


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