Thursday, July 22, 2004

shitty sucky hp i have... left it on the hi-5 or wat yest n i guess it cant stand the vibration so it gone bonkers the whole day... it wasnt a prob switching on.. but the text kept blinking n i cant even  dial...

tt wsn't jus the end yet.. adrian gave me at least 8 tickets for the wild cherry concert thingy to centro.. admission + free flow 9-11pm... siao boh... onlie 30min left to give out the tix... anyway... none r free.. so i decided to just waste the tix lah... cos sim they all at amk ktv.. den jme's at hme.. sharon's @ hme... by the time i call xin it's oredi 11++... whahahahaha...

let me say again... whahaha... S'pore is tooooooooooo small... yest i gotta know this fren lin ler..  we tok tok tok den i kinda dig out alot of stuff bot him.. oh ya.. he's an ex ytss student.. so he kinda know my cousin n some frenz in there... nvm... den at nite.. junwei came... so funny.. interlink wan...

den i was like trying to hide b4 some pamplet thingy trying to ask linler if he's junwei.. den jw was peeping n he caught mi asking.. whahahaha... damn funny. the thing is jw is some1 i knew tt time when we went to cb... shant tell u the whoe story..

GIRLSSS... buy levi's n3bp series mini skirt... damn nice lor!!! reallie......


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