Thursday, September 16, 2004

crying is damn theraphatic manzzzz... jx.. ur like my kai xin guo..*there's fulfilment editing ur pics* whahaha.. happy fruit.. dono y oso.. shirley oso thinks tt ya her kai xin guo.. maybe cos u've got a stupid face.. dono y u pp alwiz ask pp nt to cry.. whahaha.. personally i feel tt is good lor.. like flushing out wateva sorrow u have in u..

so... i spent a few hrs chatting n crying at the same time.. feel damn sadistic sia.. cos i enjoyed it.. whahaha.. the sadder the better... whahahahaha....

*i hope i'm too sensitive lah reallie.. i dono wat i've done to make u feel this way..*

hate being the object of gossip.. watz wrong... is this lable stucked to me? i'll rather u throw things straight at my face den from the back..

anyway devil.. ur reallie stupid.. v stupid.. super stupid! must ask ah nian to slap u on my behalf.. whahahaha... more power sia.. wake up wake up wake up..!!!

i'm reallie a bitch.. a jerk.. a flirt.. an attention seeker!!! my character sux.. i've got no looks.. brianless.. no talent... no $ nothing.. i'm jus a useless bum.. n i don need any1.. i hate guys.. hate guys to the core of the peach!!!! guys r jerks!!!!! i'm a jerk too.. i hate being 1... but i cant help it.. it's inborn~

i need my piano.. bye bye..


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