Thursday, September 09, 2004

*grinz* i'm still v much in love with celine dion's 1 fille & 4 type.. played it ov n ov n ov n ov again n again n again in levi's today.. whahahahaa... dan n kruetzer kor kor must be tinking of ways to get rid of me.. the super annoying charbor tt alwiz goes "ay!!!!! listen listen~~ my fav song leh!!!".. "hey.. wah... her voice v good hor..."... " wah.. the guitar part damn nice lor..."..."wah... this wan i listen i wil cry wan..."

cramp sia.. plus i don tin i wana wear my type 1 liao.. make mi look like a big baby wrapped in diapers... haiz..

reallie sad today.. ron n dan having some serious r/s prob.. n i'm trap in btw.. i'm neutral. scolded her jus now.. haven scolded any1 since a long long time.. but it's for her good..

love is a game.. if u cant meet up w its criterias.. don play..

*scratch head* alamak!!! stupid fred mommy.. making me headache by wanting mi play ard w guitar pro.. c'mon.. it's a com porg.. n i'm super well-known for a comp nutz... but i promise i'll try try lah... whaahahahahahaha... don wan y head to be chop off..

p/s: rem the pw okie..?? i might put up again jus in case... but i reallie hate to do tt... v troublesome don u tink so... plus i don tink i'm ever gg to post my face online ever again.. whahahahaha... dono where to put my face sia.. whahahahaha


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