Friday, August 19, 2005

oh my god!!! oh my god!!! *tears of joy!!!!*
i'm in.. i can blog.. oh... wow.. yeah!!

took mi almost 20 mins to load into this stupid posting page. damn.. i tink my com must have dio virus.. wth~ other pages r the same as well ok. argh~ how i wish jx is here to help. u noe, i cld have been more dumbassed if i haven got jx. he tot me sooooooooo much. thnx my baobei~ whahahahahhahahaha...

anyway.. hehehehehe~ got back a small project, i'll rather call tt an assignment n i scored a high distinction. wth~ mi, shuhui, huishan n regine got it. cos we sit together n i love them so much~ whahahaha... act we're required to do only 1, but becos i used the com(faster.. whahahahaha.. thnk god i took graphic design), so i act created quite a num of designs i like so i went ahead to do 3. n ta~dah. heehee.. abit unfair to does who did manual work cos it really took up aot of their time. i've tried.. it's tough. dun tink i deserve it, cos some of their designs r really better den mine. haiz~

my perspective got distiction. shuhui n regine saw my marks. but since mr tay will b marking oso, i tink sure degrade wan. i will cry ar~ haiz~ cos i nv use the 4mm thing to write... anyhow anyhow.. whahahahaha...

have to finish my floor plan, siao. it's an individual work, yet becos we've a grp. mr tay said if any1 of them din do their work, the whole grp fails. shitzzzzzz... so have to make sure everybody does their own work promptly. shucks rite? aren't we suppose to b responsible for our own work?? in any case where 1 does not do his work, i fail..??? siao... he wants us to make sure every1 in the grp does their work. sianzzzz... what a sucky method. i hate it!

u wan an internship to vietnam? shucks the bibibabibu.. ok.. i'm being vulgar.


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