Tuesday, August 16, 2005

wah~ my room ok!!! spic and span.. u shld look at it longer cos it's seldom like this ok( n u might nt get the chance after a few more days).... i cleaned it on sunday.. n today it's still soooo neat. oh mine... i'm proud. haha...

oh... i feel like i'm gonna throw up any min.. thnx to tt bloody creamed mushroom pasta i had in the afternoon. they shld chnge it to creamed garlic instead. bloody hell.. the whole plate is filed with nthng but garlic... argh~~~~ GARLIC!!! *pui pui pui*

baby went for slipknot concert... nt my cuppa tea...

ok.. it's time for some preaching anyway. listen up!! u young pple out there.. pls lah... when u c elderly w/o seats, can u pls get ur ass out of tt seat ur ass is stuck on and kindly let them have it!! can????!!!!! my gawd.. i encountered the most irritable thing in my whole entire life today.

can u imagine 3 or 4 elderly pple getting onto the train, these young energetic pple din even offer their seats to them. this is frustrating manzzz. these 4 young pple jut stare at them n den pretend tt there's nthng.. young pple leh!!!! 1 of them in her 20's carried on reading her book.. another stupid woman, most prob working adult whose got the most 'parking' face, act ignorant.. the other 2 at the back did nthng. wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they din even like pretend to zzzzz or wat ok... but pls.. i'm nt saying tt u do tt when u see the elderly board the train. being a young, sometimes u oredi find standing quite exhausting, let alone the elder pple.

n u noe what i did?? haha.. i tink jx is rite... i'm gonna get beaten up 1 day.. i stood in front of this 4 stupid idiots, n called jx, saying things like " wah~ pls lor.. next time offer ur seat blah bnlah blah" u noe... loud enough so tt these 4 cookoo can hear n i'm v sure they can hear n i bloody hell hope they go 'fan xing fan xing'. correct lah... it's nt my business whether or nt they wan to give up their seats.. but it's a good social etiquette what.. i'm sure they get enuff exposure to this sort of education right??

den this bloody in**an guy came in.. stuck his fingers in he nose n started digging like dono what shit sial! i tink he dig for at least 3 stops ok... Disgusting to its EXTREME.. n i kept my eyes on him the whole time, n he din even feel embarrass or wat sial*claps*.. what the~ n suddenly.. i saw him dropping the gold. waseh~~ gold ok.. big enuff until i can see though he's sitting opp me. when i tot it was over, he shocked me w another thing... biting his nails. manzzzzz... it's the 1st time i c pple bite unil like no nails to bite for the rest of his life. wahseh~ bite from the left side of his jaw to the right.. n left again.. but i must say, he's got an extremely good set of teeth. the the last action left mi totally flabbergasted. he pulled up his shirt n started scratching his belly... what the hell!!!!!!!


my wound is opening. my retribution for ranting too much.. ouch* tried to prove the bloody penknife is blunt. haha.. i only realize the cut after a few good hrs.. n now it hurts. pychologically or physically? argh~ pain~


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