Sunday, October 02, 2005

i'm proud to say i might win the award for best director in my dream world a.k.a best daydreamer/fantasizer in the real n fleshy world.

last night, i dreamt tt i was on a mission to exterminate vampires! n the only way to protect myself is by using those long long 40cm metal ruler, put 2 of it to form a cross n hold it right in the face of tt bloody vamp! believe me, my dream was scarier den narrate. i even tried putting a small rule w a long 1.. oso can.. according to the 'instructor' lah. had a piece of magnet, which oso can b used, but i broke it while practising my moves. in this stupid dream, there's alot of pple fighting the vam, but not many have the rulers, but for some reasons, i'd managed to find 5. haha... *had a habit of buying stationeries even if i own it.*

a few weeks backs... dreamt of a princess asking mi if i know where is snow white's castle. i bet i noe it, but i forgot. damn tt princess. so i just pretend i noe lah~ n made a wild guess by saying it's in england. n tt bloody stuck up princess gave me tt 'duh' look.

dreamt of gg to a paradize land.. with mermaids. this mermaid has got 2 legs hidden in its tail n it swam beautifully. saw a lil mermaid holding a mermaid balloon n wearing a mermaid tee shirt.

i'm mad... if u dun understand what i'm writing... it's perfectly fine. i'm in my sleeping mode oredi. whahaahahahahaha...

i wana change blog!


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