Tuesday, September 13, 2005

i'd strained my poor eyes. poor eyes. argh~ haven done my floor plan, i'm soooo behind time. i better buck up manz.. pinch myself for cringing at the tot of starting even w a simple drawing of a chair. damn myself.

n damn those who copied, cut n paste my idea again. damn damn damn!!!! in front of everybody somemore. whahahahaha~ isn't it funny..?aparrently, after i'd presented my idea, some1 took it n made it into her own with justa teeny bit of change. well.. it's as if changing the colour to a design, tt's all.. some originality pls.. shall nt comment any further.

my leg's breaking. walk for hrs. acc jx to topman n we stayed there for hrs!! jx.... HOURS ok... haha~ jx is kinda handsome today. heehee~despite having a siao chabor waking him up every other hour, he still looked fresh. whahahaha...

i'm really siao.. woke up at 3.45am cos i suddenly craved badly for tt chickin in a biskit thing. siao~ now i'm tired.

oh.. n kelly eng. i saw ur wishlist. *ahem* to ur 1st wan. v creative huh u... hahahaha...~


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