Monday, August 29, 2005

hehe.. photoshoot today was a hellavu crap, i shall post some of the pics some days n perhaps the final piece. mine was hilarious, i'm sure u'll laugh till ur head rolls off ur neck. but all in all, thnx hunks n babes. the pics r v nice. heeheeh~

n i'm damn proud of it.. photoshoot. whahahahaha... jx is gg for the real wan tml. i hope it's nice.

yeah~ a pat on my back~ i'd managed to claim another distinction for my kitchen thing. whahahaha.. *grinz* hahaha.. claimed a $10 monetary rewards. haha.. the 3 merit holders oso got their share too. hurray!!

next project up. the shipping container thingy n it's a major wan. haiz~ i've looked thru the project brief. tough! high distinction holder gets $50. distinction gets $20. n i forgot what he said about the hp thing, dono for which project. whahahahaha.. mr tay's gonna buy a hp whichever brand or price, up to u. shiok!!!!

it's nt tt mr tay is damn rich.. although i tink he is. whahahaha... but he noes the class pretty well. hell.. we love $$$$$!!!


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