Tuesday, August 23, 2005

hey.. u noe what is this? it's the yummy 'ba gua' whahahahaha... ba gua ur head retards, it's somebody's 'pizza' whahahaha.. what the chinese calls 'pi sai'. whaahahahaha.. whatta large piece manzzzz..... c'mon .. take a closer look!!!!

c.. in comparison to the hp.. just a mini bit of 'ba gua'.. whahaahahahah... REtards~

ANYWAY.. it's a stupid day when i slept late cos i was rushing proj, n i woke up late.. v late.. n i waited for a cab, this stupid brainless auntie wanted to jump queue, stood beside me n started waving when she cs the cab. when the cab came, i just hopped into it n tell her i got here first. tt stupid bird brained uncle took bke.. went into balestier... dono y the hell he goes there... took a VERY long way to reach my sch. n he said becos he wants me to b more convenient so he tot he cld alight me just in front of the sch, n i dun need to cross the road. hello stupid uncle.. becos of this, wasted 15 mins of my time ok.

bloody hell!!!!!!!


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