Wednesday, August 24, 2005

oh.. i'm a big time enthusiast of vitagen. 19 yrs to b precise. had always prefferred it's yoghurty milky taste as compared to yakult. no need to go on debating or convincing me(though i'm v much aware of the majority's preferance). i shall willing obey my taste bud n take up my calling to another 60, 70 yrs of a vitagen fan. though i hope i live to tt ripe old age, overcoming the soon-to-come climate change. anyway... yums~

yums mini corretto peach. whahahaha... i'll go to the ends of the world for u. dear peachy peachy.. whahahaha...

jx's 'ba gua' has disintergrated by itself somehow. wow~* dropped jaws* clap pple.. clap!!! from 2 pieces, it became 3? wow!! amazing!!! after close examination, i realized it's the same piece. oh my god!! perhaps cloning took place when i'm out... perhaps the 'cell' slashes itself.. perhaps... perhaps... wth~

anyway.. irene bought mi clothes.. hahaha.. tt tai-tai ar~ gg back to in-ni.. i'll miss u lah~

hmm.. i'm bored n i'm missing jx.

ONLY FOR JX-(whoever reads the below part will be cursed with genital irritations.. oh.. bwhalalalala~ kookoomalamalala.. om money pang bui bang sai...* sprinkle holy water*)

the prob w me sometimes is tt i'm always acting like a spoilt brat with jx. maybe it's signs of taking advantage. maybe jx deserves some1 better. well.. in fact, tt's what i'd always said n tot. my bf is amazingly good, neato. i wld like to consider tt a big big juicy blessing god bestowed upon me really. i like to boast about his goodness. about him being so sensitive to my needs. when i'm broke, he's always the 1 forking out money from his own pocket just to make sure i get what i need. when i dun eat, he's always the 1 buyin food n droppin it by my hse.
when i'm frustrated with my work, he's always the 1 who lighten my load. jx is nt only my bf, he's my bestest bestest friend in the whole entire world. he's the 1 who makes me laugh like a siao chabor n still feels confident about myself, he's my 'MUSE' darling.. whahahaha.. 'MUSE'.. he gAve me inspirations, for my music. he's my partner in work, n my consultant to a good design becos he's a great designer as well. he's the tamest lamb, n i'm the tigeress. i'm sure by now, everybody noes my kinda attitude towards u. the unreasonable me always gets away w what i want.. n if i dun, i simly vent my anger on the closest person.. n i'm terribly sry my darling. i'd vented my anger just tt day becos the table is too short for my t-square. the line work came out abit.. how my laptop wasn't connected to the printer n i find it a chore to transfer them to the thumbdrive. i shldn't have. n how i discourage u n pull u down everytime u have a perfect idea for ur music n ur band.. i promised i'll control my temper n make u happier just a day, but apparrently it was broken.. i'm sry. my darling, i rem u told mi u want to b the best guy in the world for me. in fact u r.. but i've always been so self-centered, only wanting to b the best for myself.. it's always i, mi,myself n cherie.. more cherie's'.. haiz... i can say i'm almost rotten n hopeless to pit.

my dear... i cldn't have imagine myself these few mths w/o u. u'd brightened up so much of my life. i've always been soooooooooo disgustingly dependent on u n always making stinky demands.. i'm truly apologetic for causing u so much pain all these time together. it's only when i heard pple's stories of how bad their bfs r tt i truly clear my mind of all things n take a moment to aprreciate u. darling... i've been thinking so much of u lately.. i noe it's always been u. no matter what. baby.. u're the best. no matter what!! ilu MOM... missi pyle... now i wan the yummy muachi ice-cream. NOW NOW NOW!!!!! hahaha~ (='_'=)


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