Friday, September 09, 2005

STRESS!! a truckload of stress!

thnx huh.. i tink the big guy up there must have had it planned out long ago~ to test my ability to cope w stress n my time management.

2 competitions-
1. the room design project for children with autism. just went to pathlight school yesterday to view the place.. manzzz... the facilities quite bad ar~ the project brief meeting itself seemed like a mess. damn~

deadline: 7th oct

2. Flip competition. god.. supposedly i tot i was out cos i oredi hadthe room design thing+container project+signage project in hand. unfortunately, i was informed yest tt i'm involve. ok.. damn.. what m i to do w the chair?? had a lil teeny bit of pressure cos my sch came in first n third last yr. so no matter what, this yr we have to get 1st. dun tink i'll be getting it anyway.. fierce competition. my sch oredi received 8 chairs.

deadline: 14th oct

the com is 1 thing, PROJECTS!!!!

2 projects:
1. signage for school

deadline: 16th sept

2. container project

deadline: dono, but i think i'm only left w 6 weeks?? or less.. i dono lah~

argh~ n david wants me to plan the schedule for the room competition. n i haven even done the deadline schedule for my student committee. shit. nt v effiecient sial~

ok.. tt's 5!!

ok.. i shall try my best.

anyway.. my parents just came back from shanghai. damn~ i told them weeks b4 to get me something nice.. like clothes or what. n they got mi this silk blanket $200++. hahahaha.. heartpain ar~ can u imagine...???? a blanket for $200??? my bro got 1 oso if i'm nt wrong. argh~~~ i cld have gone shopping w tt $400 they spent on blankets. abit too exhorbitant.

n kelly eng!!!! i hate u lah~ i must expose u!! about ur scandal w weicong!! whahahahaha....


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