Monday, September 05, 2005

oh.. there's so much vexation within i hope i cld unleash instead of welling them up .

u noe how hard it is to have to rebuke some1? the toughest ordeal is nt to go thru the orientation of being rebuke, but being the rebuk-er itself. all of a sudden, u become THE BAD GUY. (of cos, u can't control the situation n how pple wld look at u)

but i hope tt it is understood, tt the core value of rebuking is to encourage inner growth. it benefits u rather den the 1 who rebuke.

mr principle laid a biiiiiiiiig biiiiiiiig load on mi to act as a president n voice out what i shld say. tt is v difficult for me. i fail horribly in this area of leadership. in fact, i'm pretty much a good observer, but i nv really tongue-lash some1 face to face. if things ain't up to my likings, i can just show a bitter gourd face n refuse to talk.

as a fren, it is hard to have to rebuke another fren. to mi, it is nv personal, there's no condemnation, no reproval of talent, no putting down of anybody's morale. rebuke in my own term is merely encouage n advise. , n it's after a series of observations or confirmations w fellow workers tt i wld decide to open my mouth. it is nt gg to b based on just 1 person's opinion.

just rem it's nt personal n i truly wanted to help. n we spur one another on ok...

i wld rather tok to u than have a whole bunch of people talking among themselves behind ur back. do u noe the consequences of the rebuker? he/she faces the possibility of losing a fren, or on the brighter side, u now noe ur mistakes, n therefore can change.

it is nt easy being a lder ok. alot of things is nt as simple as u tot.

haiz~ gg to finish my work.

sry, my cookies r de-activated, so i'll reply here. sry!

big kang tang- muacks muacks!! i noe u miss me alot... whahahaha
jianying- ah ying??
yin-i'm just a shorty standing @ 16*cm. but i give thnx to god for nt making me toooo short. hahaha... u dun need my heights, i need it more than u, tt's y it's been bestowed to me. plus i'm quite big in size compare to the average girls. *sigh*
ame-amelia?? if so.. i rem.. whahahaha.. wow.. u still rem me? haha~


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