Tuesday, September 20, 2005

KELLY ENG!!! 1 of those u puked on is ME!! whahaha.. puke on my finger!! i wun noe even if u puked all over cos it was DARK. But.... the party was a blast can ah nian! i really do enjoyed myself, despite getting abit tipsy after tt 'killer' two n a half glass. whahaha... wasn't clear in the mind.


after: (the vixen) ok. i'm nv gonna put on any make up. NEVER! u guys go ahead n have a good laugh.. i dun mind.

(onnie for u ah nian. whahaha)

ta dah~ my loot. was buying prezzie for kel n there i met my latest boyfriends. whahahaha... alot hor... n more to come ok... oredi saw a few i like. anybody wana buy for me...? v chor leh~ ah gu no $$$. haha..

ok.. gotta do my project. red tt superman oredi finish his. so power. whahahah~ ciao!


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