Tuesday, October 18, 2005

my sketch up died on mi! imagine having my exams this fri, n after so many months of doing, it act died on me. cant even retrieve it on the open recent file part. so which means it totatlly vanished in my com. thnk god i was dilligent enough to save some elevations n sections in jpg file, if nt i'm dead.

so now, i'll just have to redo it lah shit!

HEY JANICE!!! dono y i'm so happy to c u. whahahahaha~ my bf comment u looked young, prob 17. i tink so too~ so tt's good for u right?

anway.. 40 yr old virgin is a good s*x show. whahahaha~ tt guy is kinda cute~
haha~ was flaunting my piano skills in yamaha until this stupid girl came along to steal my show w canon in d. exactly the same piece of music i'm playing now. cos jx said it's difficult n if he cant play it, i cant! DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!! i'll show him what is good. anyway, i really gotta start serious practice. i'm asked to play for a convocation this nov. n i'm so dead.

oh ya~ i din mention rite? this guy i just know actually said i look like i'm from china. DAMN!!!!!!


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