Monday, October 10, 2005

my whole weekend can be summed up in 1 word.


first, i cut a hair for $38.90 which is stylish but doesn't suit me. plus i asked for a normal office lady hair, not something in which i had to devout my morning time to maintain.

i ended up cutting it myself.. haha..trimmed off quite abit though, n from what yani said, it's quite obvious i cut it myself.

2ndly, i'm terribly sorry to u guys whom i cldn't chat properly with on thursday night cos i was rushing my competition presentation til 9+ in sch. so when u guys were chatting w me, my lecturer n fren was just beside me.

anyway... we din win. which i think we jolly well deserve it sice we only had everything completed by thursday. friday is the final for goodness sake. damn... i din even noe where to hide my face since we dun have anything to present. our principal is gonna b damn mad. it's truly our fault n i adknowledge my mistake. haven been sleeping well cos of this. i noe we din put in our utmost effort n i'm terribly guilty about it.

i hope the flip competition will be better. anyway.. thank god bryan said the carpenter fees in dropped from $300-$150. hahahahahaha~

on a lighter note, just received 2 assignments which i scored pretty well. hahahahahaha...

but 1 of the rendering assignment i just handed in, cos of my laziness, i actually anyhow render. siao me. argh!!!!


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