Wednesday, March 21, 2007

wah.. i can blog. hahahaha...
in random:

i feel bad tt i flared up at my dad the other day when he sent mi to work. being sucha dummy with directions, i actually cldn't tell which place is which, esp when taking a route tt i've nv taken b4...

n cos of some miscommunication, i raised my voice at dad. n he was kind enuff to take me to work. haiz... acting like a stupid brat lah me.

he even said something like no matter what, he'll get me to the place i need to go.

argh~ lagi guilty.

anyway.. i'm supposed to be doing a mual perspective now but i gt so sian at doing it tt i decided to take a break from it. hahahaha...

actually, i dun intend to continue. heeeeee....

so little time left for so many people, things and myself


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