Friday, May 04, 2007


went for my usual evening jog.. which normally consist of running along a stretch of neighbourhood.. cross traffic.. run along christ church ss.. the big circle beside the highway.. 6 (increasing everytime unless got bangalahs and naked workers) rounds around singapore sports sch n innova jc... dashing a 200m pathway... den slowly jog home.

yesterday.. i had to change my route... cos the construction site suddenly has alot of bangalahs lerking aound... plus i always get to c man clad in underwear bathing in public.. how can a babe like me let them 'tan dio' right.. whahahahaha.... whahahahahaha... *holds my imaginary big beer belly and laugh* so i tot it was tooo dangerous to continue my run... and i switched path.. instead of running ard the sg sports sch, i ran ard this pri sch.. just 1 round, and i injured my 2nd toe... pui!!!

jinxed ar~ i better find something else to do... skateboarding or wat... or my toes will all rot and die.

i'm having the worst breakout ever man... *inhale* feeling darn insecure now. *sobx* the pdt i used sux... n it cost me like a slightly more den 2 hundred dollars can.. wat a watse of my moolah~



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