Friday, June 22, 2007

was awaken by ah le chetz chetz call this morn, intended to bring our thai friends to newton circlesfor dinner. but apparently mommy wants them to come ov for dinner instead. my mom is a party freak... she holds gathering session like every 2 weeks or so... aiyoh~ but it was great fun, so no complaints.

and it just so happened tt ah tian brought some spices for tom yum from thailand n was looking for a place so that he can cook for us..

ah tian+ah nong+ baoling ah yi with fengshui master behind.
busy preparing dinner. kitchen is small though, but we have everything we need can!!!

sumptuos spread. the thai of the thai tom yum gong is nt in the pic somehow. but it's a kinda tom yum tt is thai of thai, we dun even c it in thai often. it's a white kinda tom yum w alot of coconut and sugar. yummy......... shiok for a tom yum maniac like me!!!

family at the table~
jx, me, auntie rosalind,le chetz friend, ah tian, le chetz, ah yu, ah nong, ah nong's sis.

everybody gt twist except me.... den ah tian saw tt i wasn't in the pic..... so he.....

pulled mi into the pic lor. notice le chetz fingers. forever twist-ing leh~

standing: le jie jie, le jie's friend, ah tian, mi, jx (wah... my bf is tall leh, mai siao siao), francise, francise's wife
sitting: aunty rosalind, mommy, ah nong's sis, ah nong, ah yu
love this pple man.. love them to max.
last night mambo was goooooooooood. mambo soon... long time no mambo, and i finally gt upclose and nt-so-personal with the mambo king. whahahahahaha....!!!
mahjong tml k... can or not???can?


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