Saturday, July 05, 2008

Hello! Welcome to Paris!
Was in Paris from the 24th-28th June 2008.
Thank God for the Fabulous crew~!! whoooo i had a whoooopin good time there~

Chocho in Le Meridien Paris. My room wasn't ready when i went in, so they got me a starwood guest preferred room. which means i get the type of room they gave to my IFS~ whahahaha.. tandio~
and Godiva in Paris means cheap cheap cheap ar~!
Partying still even though we were all shagged frm the 14hr flight.. by the time we got back to zz it's oredi another 6.5hrs... ultimate cos we din sleep for more den 24hrs.
yucks~ i was oredi wearing my Pj n getting ready to zzzz until serene came knocking on my door. anyway... i was sober cos i was the only 1 nt drinking. hahahahaha~
let mi introduce you to: myself, shankar, serene, jasmine and sebina



us outside the dept store... for hommes~
lucky vincent saw cai chun jia~ joi chua ya know.... hahahahaha~!!!!!
so they kinda forced her to take a pic with her fan. hahahahahahahahahahaha~
3/4 of the 332/331 gang battling in Paris!! n i oredi gt longchamp~ won my first battle!

from far it looks super 3d.. until we gt close enough to know we were cheated. nt bad tricksters!
h n m~ hyiak hyiak~

Bra-vo~!! damn kinky n erotic man their bra~

we were enchanted by this beautiful shopping... it's a preserved old building but i cant rem t's name... hahaha.. so bimbo.. only rem the shopping.
kane, mi n Linda~
mi. serene babe. linda
i love linda de- lovely. she's sucha sweet person!!!
serene w her lagsane. This place operates a ikea's restaurant.
only better becos they had eiffel as their backdrop. whooo... Pa-ris~!

vincent n i~ n the super delicious ice cream n sorbet. esp the pineapple wan....... best ar~!

We are Conquerers!! Not Survivors!!

parson us. our job had trained us to be wayang... hahahaha.. wayang at its best is us~!
best wayang-tress: serene yun, best wayabg-tor: vincent
while we wait for the other conquerers.

H'n'M...... i just go in grab a jacket n pay! tooooo pack to even try.
it's a common sight in Paris to see pple 'begging' w their dogs... they dun beg literally.. they just sit there w these dogs...Damn. anyway.. those puppies were sucha hit.

in the metro back to hotel..

the crew at the vietnamese crew joint.
Next morn: decided to go for a run early in the morning.... my plan is to run to the eiffel tower~
the street behind my hotel...

saw the Arc De Triomphe. not very far from our hotel though.
spot the eiffel tower oredi?

the kiosk is a common sight in Paris selling papers n postcards. wanted to buy some but was ley-chey lah~ no bag!

whose humongous poo?? it should b bigger den my 4 fist add tgt~!
I suspect this to be Rue De Rivoli. tooo bad i dun have a map with me..
the egyptian obelisk~ apparently the French said it was a 'gift'... really makes u wonder. i guess they see this beautiful ornament.. got tempted n decided to pluck this thing outto it's grond n plant it on this foreign land.
Queen something.... see the monument urself.
Eiffel zoomed in! FAR~!!! i ran the far way cos i intially planned to run to the lourve but decided to keep it for my next trip.

hehe~ Eiffel behind me!

my gosh~ what is thomas jefferson doing in Paris....???
looks sibeh haolian huh~

Musee D Orsay? think so lah~ told u dun have a map~

Suspected Ecole Militaire
yoz... if u r Dominique, scroll down~

through the streets to where my baby is~
typical Paris~!
looks near but it's damn far from where i took this!
FINALLY~!!! at the foot of this iron......

Imagine Paris and New York without this man?? eeeeks.. dun even want to imagine.

last pic before my cam died on mi! again~

it did when i saw the crazy horse. din know where is this cos i was lost oredi~ hahahaha...
i ran back n saw my IFS n Yulia and gt kidnapped by my IFS, so we ran back to the eiffel n went for breakfast after tt before heading back for picnic ltr... at the eiffel. 3 times of ET in a day~

messy means Thank YOU
Pique-Nique @ the Eiffel Tower

spot my funny IFS
mi n Ivan showing off our cheese. Damn good... but too bad i din buy it cos i was sooo in a rush my last day~ the cheese is ade from the most expensive salt. damn gooood~
cheryi n cherie
all of us.. the happy Paris crew~!!!
look at Ifs again~ still sms-ing.. dono who man... hahahaha...
thank God for Ivan ethan who bought the ball... we had soooo much fun playing 'volleyball' n monkey with this soccer ball. hahahaha

alamak~ fav IFS(shant reveal his name) hahahaha... enjoying his wine.... like hanni... he is forever seen w some drinks. hahaha...
y my Ifs always give tt kinda look huh?? damn funny!!
whoooooo~ cheers to a beautiful day in Paris!

what did Jasmine do to gain tt much of attention huh?

sebina.serene.cheryi n yulia~ all my beautiful babes!! love u girls! MUACKS!!!

kane...... what the hell is he posing at the back??

wah~ sacrificed sooo much for them..
Linda took this shot...
so i decided to do the same! hahahaha
n i was expected to act sexy~ DAMN!!!! HOW!!!??? i dono hw to lah~
I wish u girls have a chance to work with him!! HE is the BEST IFS IN THE WHOLE OF *censored*!!!
mi n beautiful jasmine!

i was being tooooooo obvious~
u see passionate paris-ians everywhere....

playing........ erm...... nt trying to take shot of the handsome boy lah~ hahahaha...

the cute baby who looks like chucky~!! hahahaha... she is the cutest baby~!!!! n she plays with us~! hahahaha

wahliew.... must act sexy again~ dono how~

damn serene can do it sooo naturally.... nt me~! hahahha

n we waited till 10pm~ though it's still pretty bright in Paris... for the eiffel to light up
the human pyramid... hahaha.. we gt some ang mohs to help us gt on top of each other... sooo funny n became the attraction there. hahahaha....after tt everybody just sort of applaud us! hahaha.... the only successful shot cos the poor guys are gg crazy oredi. MY FAV IFS joined us for this silly game. hahahaha....

Eiffel at night
where i gt my nutella crepes.... MUST TRY!!!
gg to run to the top of Palais De Chailot for the beautiful shot n view of Eiffel...

i can nv imagine myself gg to Paris n seeing the E.T.... thank God for sucha beautiful life~!
Last Day in Paris: Of cos is spent chiong-ing branded~!! hahahahaha...

myself at the Arc de Triomphe
the stupid truck~
the KPO crowd. i m one.

LV... Paris~ how nt to miss!

mi at the Chanel's personal Toilet~!
carrying the $5000 bag~! nt mine! hahahahaha~
Au revoir Pareee... Till den!



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